Poseidon Palace's multi purpose rooms and halls can easily host meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, presentations and other professional or private events.
All four rooms, KALYPSO, NAFSICA, NIREAS & MEETING ROOM are equipped with state of the art audiovisual infrastructure and their capacity ranges from 10 to 300 attendants.
Name of hall |
Dimensions |
S.Μ. |
Theater Shape |
School Shape |
Shape U |
Thalassa (Kalypso+Nafsika+Nireas) |
9,20x26 |
239 |
260 |
200 |
60 |
Α. Kalypso |
8,70x9,20 |
80 |
80 |
40 |
20 |
Β. Nafsika |
8,70x9,20 |
80 |
80 |
40 |
20 |
C. Nireas |
8,70x9,20 |
80 |
80 |
40 |
20 |
Α+Β Kalypso+Nafsika |
17,40x9,20 |
160 |
160 |
80 |
40 |
Meeting Room |
6,50x5,50 |
36 |
30 |
Round Τable-20 |
Round Τable-20 |
Name of hall: Thalassa
Dimensions: 9,20x26
S.Μ.: 239
Theater Shape: 260
School Shape: 200
Shape U: 60
Name of hall: Kalypso
Dimensions: 8,70x9,20
S.Μ.: 80
Theater Shape: 80
School Shape: 40
Shape U: 20
Name of hall : Nafsika
Dimensions: 8,70x9,20
S.Μ.: 80
Theater Shape: 80
School Shape: 40
Shape U: 20
Name of hall : Nireas
Dimensions: 8,70x9,20
S.Μ.: 80
Theater Shape: 80
School Shape: 40
Shape U: 20
Name of hall : Kalypso + Nafsika
Dimensions: 17,40x9,20
S.Μ.: 160
Theater Shape: 160
School Shape: 80
Shape U: 40
Name of hall : Meeting Room
Dimensions: 6,50x5,50
S.Μ.: 36
Theater Shape: 30
School Shape: Round Τable - 20
Shape U: Round Τable - 20